The Palest Grey

These are dark times
But I have the upper hand
Rotting from within to save my skin
A corpse without, reflecting the within
I have lost control
I will gain control.

These are unpleasant days
But I have a master plan
A personal holocaust 
A psychosis to sooth the frayed edge
I have lost control
I will gain control
I have lost control
I will gain control again, again, again…

And there’s nothing pretty about this
Nothing for to offer praise
Self abuse is the highest sin 
But I do it anyway
It’s the only way I know
And I cannot let go
I’m relinquishing my soul
To the devil that I know so well

These are troubled hours
But I have the method down
A coping mechanism that kills
A savior in which to drown 
I have lost control
I will gain control

When will I grow up?
Maybe this was not a phase?
Maybe I was born this way,
Maybe I was born a slave.
When I fade away
A palette for the palest shade
When I pass away
A palette for the palest gray.
(c) 2006 eveghost

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